Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Whine of the Week

This week's whine is brought to you by: Bolla Chianti, 2011.

Dear World,

I have never tried a chianti before, but I could use a nice relaxing evening at home yesterday. Since the grocery store had no Malbecs to be found (for shame!), I settled on a Chianti. I may have had one before, but I don't recall what it tasted like, so I thought I'd give it a try!

Speaking of not recalling things, here's the whine:
In September I got in a car accident. My health insurance has been terrible to deal with, and they're still not processing my claim. (Even though now I do recall filling out the forms they requested. I guess one got lost in the mail. No worries, they're sending me another.) The frustrating part is that my memory is REALLY bad now. Don't get me wrong, it was pretty bad before, but now it's...SuperBad. 
Yeah, how those guys look, is about how my brain feels.

I can still remember crazy details from long ago...like how I got caught singing in the bathroom in 2nd grade, or how to find the invisible extra life mushrooms in Super Mario Bros, or that one time that I made my little brother fly into a television. I could describe memories of yore in detail. It's just that more recent things tend to slip my mind. Like something someone texted me the week before about plans I didn't write down. Or something my gentlemanfriend told me about work the day before. I feel like a total dummy when it comes up in conversation again, but I'm not sure what I can really do about it. Maybe this will go away, maybe it is stress. Perhaps taking a break from school will help to de-clutter my brain. Perhaps I should start taking a daily supplement of Gingko Biloba. At any rate, it's frustrating, and I am thankful for my friends and family for putting up with it. 

I don't remember where I was going with that, either, so I may as well come to a close. I'm done being a Negative Nancy for now. Happier thoughts to come.


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