Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Possum Killah

Dear World,
It's been a good long while since I've written, and so much in my life has changed. First of all, I accidentally killed a possum last night with my mom's minivan. I was driving my husband home from Charlotte, where he had a job interview. I was pretty tired and cranky already, and then BOOM. My first vehicular homicide. I cried really hard. One of those long, ugly cries that restarts after you've calmed down for a few minutes. Ugh.
I guess I should probably update you on all my crazy life changes since the last post:

1. As many of my Facebook friends know, I'm pregnant! This was very exciting news, as I have been talking about babies for the better portion of this decade. Yay for that! We found out that she's a girl, we haven't picked a name (that's the battle of the century right now, to be honest), and I'm about halfway through the pregnancy at this point. Obviously I've been a bit moody (normally I don't think I'd cry about hitting a possum on the highway).

2. Last time I wrote, I was living in the Virgin Islands! Well, that has changed too. My husband got laid off on the week of Thanksgiving. I am now living the American dream (I am almost 30 and just had to move in with my parents.) I just secured a part time job at Walgreens, making 25 cents above minimum wage. I am waiting to see where my husband ends up finding a job before I look at applying for teacher certification in another state. So now we wait. (And pray that the bills somehow get paid.)

3. I suppose this ties in with the pregnancy, but I have been taking super good care of myself! I have started walking (on days I don't have to work), and have been enjoying the world around me in North Carolina. There is a plethora of wildlife I've been watching-- mostly birds-- and I can't wait to see what changes the spring will bring to my surroundings. So, in typical Steph-fashion, here are some pictures of the things I've been seeing around me:
A little finch enjoying a birdbath.

An uncommon sight in the winter time! This turtle was hiding out in the grass on a rare warm day.

Another finch-y looking bird. Not sure what it is exactly, but he's cute!

Napping mallards.

This is a crested duck. He hangs out with the mallards and they seem to accept him like one of their own. Usually birds just hang out with their own species, so its interesting that they've adopted him. He's been here at the lake for over a year to my knowledge.

Thrasher/trash bird. I saw one of these guys carrying a Rolo candy around recently. They eat everything.

The Ibis! These guys use their long beaks to dig for grub in the grass. They are fun to watch. 

So that concludes this chapter of my chronicles. I hope everyone has a safe, happy New Year! I will try to get better about posting more frequently. 