Friday, January 25, 2013

It's All Downhill From Here

What an amazing week it has been! Last Friday I flew down to the US Virgin Islands- AKA heaven on earth. (Warning, this one is long so if you're just here for eye candy, scroll down.)
It was unseasonably warm here in South Carolina before that, about in the 70s every day, until right before I left when it dropped to the 30s. Talk about great timing.
My chariot with wings arrived in time for me to meet up with Kevin and head onto the ferry to my future home, St. John. I had never been to St. John before. I enjoyed St. Thomas very much last time I went, but I had no clue how much BETTER St. John is! This small island has just under 5000 residents. 70% of the island is a State Park, meaning it will stay small and relatively uninhabited. There are beautiful beaches (which is to be expected), hiking trails, and a nice little spot with some civilization too! (I use this term loosely...)
Once I settled in, we had a fabulous dinner at Banana Deck, where I enjoyed Curried Shrimp, a quesadilla, and fruity drinks complete with cute umbrellas.
On Day 2, we joined Kevin's coworkers on a boat to the British Virgin Islands! This was technically my first time out of the country, although for some reason the passport didn't get stamped. I did learn, however, that they also make passport cards that look like driver's licenses. All you do is hand it over and get it swiped, which is pretty convenient. Ahh technology. So we go to this beach, and I still can't remember its name, but I do remember that we spent the day at the Soggy Dollar Bar & Grill. I had the BEST fish and chips I've ever tasted and we spent the day chatting and getting to know one another. I had a great time, even though I got slightly sunburned.
I could continue giving you a blow by blow account of my trip, but I'll leave you with this. On my last day on the island, I was walking home when I passed another tourist with his family. They had just come up this incredibly steep hill (which is what I had been taking to get into Cruz Bay), and seemed pretty winded. He smiled at me and said, "It's all downhill from here!" I laughed and said "Yes it is, literally."
This stuck out to me because maybe it is all downhill from here. Last year was CRAP, and things are finally looking up for me. I learned to say no to grad school, I get to move to a tropical island, and I have the love of someone willing to put up with my antics. :) It really is all downhill from here.

And now for pictures of my adventures:

These chickens were just hanging out on our porch one day.
The best drink garnish is a lizard. Duh.

I woke up to see this guys looking in my window every morning. Weirdo.

...and in crazy cat lady fashion, there are cats around. I fed them.

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