Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Lamp, anyone?

Dear World,
Just yesterday I drove up to Columbia from Charleston, where I got engaged to someone I wasn't technically dating. Already my phone has been ringing nonstop. And so it begins.
2012 was just about the crappiest year I could imagine. It involved hospital expenses, car accidents, fights, and betrayal. I really hope that 2013 doesn't suck.
I do follow the tradition of making a New Year's resolution every year, but this year I'm torn. There's a lot about me I would like to change (the stereotypical lose weight, exercise more, get a new hobby, blahblah), but I think an important one that I always put off is to SLOW DOWN and enjoy life. So I'm trying that. We'll see how I hold up.
For me, slowing down means a few big changes:
*No grad school this year. I already have a Master's degree. So a Ph.D. is really unnecessary for me. I feel like I was doing it to please others, so that has to go. I can always pick up a course for leisure here and there in the future, but now my wallet and stress level can't handle that mess.
*I accepted a work from home type job. I'm going back to the company I worked for last year. I think it's relatively low-stress. I could have taken a better paying job, but that would mean having to move asap, and I'm not ready to move yet. Also, working from home means I can do laundry while I work. That's amazing.
*Moving slowly (not physically.) This means I do have to move eventually to join my life partner down in the Virgin Islands where he lives, but I'm waiting until this summer. Until then, I will gradually sort through the things in my house, de-clutter, and get down to the bare essentials before I go. Like right now I'm staring at a lamp I never use. I'm going to get rid of this lamp. Please take it.

*Weighing the stress of things before I get involved. I have too often caved to others pressuring me into doing things I really don't feel like doing. Or caved to people simply asking, just because I like to please people. NO MORE. This year I will be a homebody and take care of myself instead of getting caught up with other people's needs. Don't care how selfish that sounds. I almost destroyed myself last year so I'm allowed to be selfish in the name of keeping calm.

So that's my big fat New Year's list. Today I'm going to get some coffee, relax, and maybe get around to my to-do list. Happy 2013, everyone.

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