Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Hey y'all. I got a new camera.

Dear World,
So this blog entry will be mostly pictures. I try to post a lot of my pictures on my Pinterest, too..so look at that. CHECK OUT MY BOARDS, BRO
Anyway, I got a new camera at my parents' place over the weekend because I wanted a cool excuse to get outside. It worked. I even got to drag Dad along. :) Here's the cool stuff I saw:

Bumble Bee getting all up in some Jasmine.

"OMG you guys I just got a perm..do you like it??"

Seagull enjoying the breeze.

The pier at Kure Beach.

Feeling about two feet tall under some cypress trees.

Catching a Cardinal mean muggin me.

Cool bridge in Greenfield Park, Wilmington. 




....and that was my weekend.


  1. Stephanie, your first photo is of pittosporum in bloom.
    Love all the creatures you caught on camera.

  2. Ah, thanks for that! Jasmine was definitely a guess, mostly because of the smell. :) There are a lot of flora (and fauna) that I am still discovering in my travels.
