Thursday, May 23, 2013

Two Weeks to Go

Dear World,
I finished reading a pretty cool book today. The title is An Embarrassment of Mangoes: A Caribbean Interlude by Ann Vanderhoof. It was written by a lady who spent two years cruising around the Caribbean with her husband in a sailboat. It was full of really interesting information about living on a boat, the Caribbean cultures, and the cuisine they encountered along the way. The ending was really sad, obviously, because they had to return to Canada after spending two years living a tropical life. I almost cried out of pity for her. I can't think of anything more depressing than having to live in Canada. (I'm very American.) I'm glad I read the book though, because it helped me to realize something. I have been really whiny about having to move. Like, REALLY whiny.
I have been a Negative Nancy lately because I can't find a job yet. And while that is pretty stressful for me, I realize I need to be a little more excited. (And laid back. I need to be SUPER laid back to survive the Virgin Islands.) I'm moving to a place that everyone calls paradise. There will be no winter. (I hate winter.) The rum is cheap, there are many sites to see, and the flora and fauna are beautiful. Most importantly, I will finally be living with my husband. So naturally, the good outweighs the bad by a long shot.
So, no more whining about jobs. Now, when people say "Oh, you're so lucky to be moving!" I will respond with, "Yeah. I really am." There are worse situations I could be in, so I need to go with the flow, adjust to island time, and learn how to lime.
Until next time,

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