Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Summer Adventures

Dear World,
There has been so much going on in my life that I have neglected to write about it! So here's a recap for you:

Recap, part 1. First job is officially over. I worked at a 4H Summer Camp, which was amazing because I met a lot of local kiddos and learned a lot from them about life on the islands. My schedule during the summer camp was terrible, because I had the world's longest commute. Here's pretty much what my schedule was like:
5 AM- wake up, shower, etc
6 AM- take the boat from St. John to St. Thomas.
6:20ish AM- get off the boat. Grab a coffee from Mr. Bill at the ferry bar.
6:30 AM- catch a safari taxi.
Wait, what's a safari taxi?
Good question. It's a pick up truck with seats in the bed, complete with a roof. It's really a bootleg bus. So these safaris follow a certain route around the island, and the good news is they're only a dollar or two, depending on where you're going.
Oh, okay.
7:30ish- get dropped off at the University of the Virgin Islands.
7:50ish- get a ride from campus through the project housing that nobody wants me walking through to get to the camp site.
8:00-3:00 camp.
3:00ish- get a ride back to Red Hook from a really amazingly kind woman who didn't have to give me a ride that far, but did anyway because she's a good Christian.
3:45ish- sit at the ferry bar. Maybe grab a beverage.
4:00- take the ferry home to St. John. Walk to the house. Usually got home around 4:30. Wash dishes, get dinner ready (sometimes). Usually pass out around 8 or 9.
Needless to say, that was a terrible schedule and I likely will not do that again. However, still worth it. I met a lot of great people and learned a lot about the island.

Recap, part 2: 
I'm working at a nice retail store (also on St. Thomas) and was just hired as a governess. I have been feverishly looking for homeschool resources on Pinterest. I'm really excited about this new adventure. The family who hired me seem really nice and on par with what education should be about. (Thank goodness!)

Recap, part 3: 
On the weekends, my husband and I have been taking more boat trip adventures, and last weekend ventured out to Coral Bay, which is on the other side of St. John. So, as usual, here are some pictures from my adventures!
I saw this spotted sting ray in Christmas Cove during one of my snorkeling trips! If you look closely, you can see he's got a passenger.

The famous Soggy Dollar Bar on Jost Van Dyke, BVI. They call it the Soggy Dollar because you have to get there by boat. 

Some entertainment at the Soggy Dollar.

A beautiful sail on one of our trips!
Anyone need shark repellent? Haha, this just makes me think of the corny Adam West Batman! :)

So needless to say, I have been very busy seeing the sights of my new home. I am still enjoying it very much and look forward to sharing more soon.
Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update!We have missed you at the staff starts Monday..Welcome calls are abound currently! Stay safe!
