Monday, June 10, 2013

Settling In

Dear World,
So, I made it home. Finally. Most of the trip was uneventful. I saw a bullfrog at Columbia's airport:

Later on, I was slightly delayed in San Juan, PR because their electricity went out. Not the plane's. The airport's. However, I still made it home, and had the pleasure of sitting co-pilot on our tiny, 10 person plane ride. Here's the crappy selfie I took of that:
Sooo many dials. The pic doesn't do justice.

And now for the bad news. My carry-on (a backpack) had to be stowed because this plane is comically small. While that was happening, somehow my good camera stopped working. So while I could be running all over the island taking awesome pictures, I am now trying to figure out the warranty on this thing, as I bought it about two months ago. -_-
In other news, there is a bird here that sounds like a cat. It is very confusing to me. It caws/meows, and I think "OH MAN A CAT" and then I realize it isn't. Which is disappointing. We do have a cat here, however, and we feed her (I think its a her) outside on our porch every evening. I think she helps keep mice away, which is awesome. 

Other than that, there isn't much to report. I was hoping to use my camera to make a sweet YouTube video giving everyone a tour of the property, but I guess that will have to wait! More updates to come soon.
Stay tuned,

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