This post is a bit of a homework assignment for a podcast that I participate in with my friends, Dork Night. If you haven't listened to it, you should visit our site to listen to us chat every week about dorky things:
Anyhow, on to my top five favorite video games of all time! I like mostly older games, because I don't really have time to play anything requiring too much of a commitment. However, when I was a kid, my brothers and I played the hell out of some games.
Number 5- Toejam & Earl- Sega Genesis
Found a cool gif that pretty much shows you the intro to the game so I don't have to explain much:
(Found at
So yeah, if you looked at everything on the gif, you see that the object of the game is to collect pieces of a spaceship. Basically you wander around "earth" which is insane in every way. You have to avoid getting injected by a maniacal doctor, getting entranced by hula girls, or getting scared to death by the boogie man. It's a really fun game, and each level is physically above the previous level. (Traveling via elevator.) I have re-played this game as an adult and equally enjoyed it as much as I did as a child.
Number 4- Sonic 2- Sega Genesis
(Image from
I'm sure most of you are familiar with the one creature that taught us what the hell a hedgehog is during our youth. Featuring both Sonic and Tails, this game can have two players. Obvious choice in a multi-child home. Also, Sonic & Tails had some great levels in it. I used to just play the Casino Night Zone level for hours, never finishing the level, just letting the time run out over and over again. (I still have a thing for slot machines.) This game was nice to play because each level had a different theme, complete with appropriate music. (Which helps, because getting sick of game music can happen pretty quickly.)
Number 3- Super Mario Kart- SNES
(Image from
Okay, so when this game came out, I played it nearly every day. I would kick everyone's butt in battle mode, and I was obsessed with the races. Not sure why. Pretty simple game, but I liked it a lot. This is the only racing game I've ever liked. Ever.
Number 2- Super Mario Bros 3- NES
(Image from
Of all the Marios, this one ended up getting played the most at my house. I don't think we had a copy of Mario 2 until later, which was also pretty cool. (I liked that you could pick your character in Mario 2. And that Princess Peach hovered.) This is such a step up from the original Mario game. The different worlds were awesome, and the cartoon was based specifically on this version of the game.
When I was in high school, I had a few slumber parties during which the objective of the evening was to beat Mario 3 without warp whistles. This game was awesome because it introduced us to the raccoon suit and the frog suit, both of which are rad. Clearly Mario (all of them) was and still is a big part of my life. Yep, so that's pretty much all I have to say about this one.
Number 1- The Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past- SNES
This is the ring tone on my phone. This is my text message notification sound. My friend gave me an ocarina green rupee necklace (that's actually playable) from Dragon Con. I've seriously considered getting a Zelda tattoo of some sort. Naturally, the entire Zelda series could fill my entire top five, but that would have been a very boring list. So, of the Zelda games, Link to the Past is my favorite. It's gotten my family through some rough times over the years. It's nice to forget who you are and pretend you're saving some elf looking princess. I could seriously play this game over and over again and never get tired of it. However, I need to get around to playing some of the new ones. Twilight Princess is still in the wrapper...
(the Link to the Past image is from a cool ass article about a potential sequel, so you should go read that next: )
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